Tracking 38,633 interconnection queue requests from 1996 to 2025
What is the interconnection queue?
See data table & graphs here.
Queue changes in the last 1 week (see all)
U.S. county map of Wisconsin Electric Power Company interconnection requests, 1996-2025
- No. requests
- 26
- Total capacity
- 3.7 GW
For applied filter
Data last updated Mar 13, 2025, 9:06 PM UTC
1996-2025 interconnection capacity over time, all states, by date enqueued
- No. requests
- 26
- Total capacity
- 3.7 GW
For applied filter
1996-2025 interconnection requests & capacity by state
Data Table
- No. requests
- 26
- Total capacity
- 3.7 GW
For applied filter
Q: Where is this data from?
A: This dataset has been built using publicly-available data from ISOs/RTOS and non-ISO utilities. We update this data at least once a day.
Q: What is an ISO, RTO, and/or non-ISO utility?
A: An Independent System Operator (ISO) or Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) is a non-profit organization that operates the high-voltage electric power transmission grid in a specific region, ensuring reliability and providing non-discriminatory access. ISOs and RTOs play a critical role in the electric power industry, helping to ensure that the grid is reliable and that electricity is delivered to consumers at a reasonable cost. Learn more about ISOs and RTOs here.A non-ISO utility is an electric utility that does not operate under the umbrella of an ISO or RTO. Non-ISO utilities are typically smaller utilities that operate in rural or remote areas, facing challenges such as meeting the same reliability standards as ISOs and RTOs, but without the same resources and economies of scale.
Q: What is an interconnection queue?
A: What is an interconnection queue?
An interconnection queue is a list of power generation and transmission projects that have requested to connect to the electric grid. The queue is managed by the grid operator, which is typically an independent system operator (ISO) or regional transmission organization (RTO).
Q: Why is the interconnection queue important?
A: The interconnection queue is important because it ensures that new power generation and transmission projects can be safely and reliably connected to the grid. The grid operator reviews each project to assess its impact on the grid and to make sure that it will not compromise the reliability of the electric system. To learn more about interconnection queues, see this NPR Planet Money episode"Green Energy Gridlock"and this article/podcast from Volts.
Q: Where can I contact the owners, submit feature requests, get data, or submit an error?
A: Please email us if you have any questions, see an error, want to request data, or have feature requests.
Q: Who are you?
A: 👋 This tool is brought to you by Chris Talley and Steven Zhang . We are long-time Silicon Valley software engineers who build tools to help people discover public structured and unstructured data. Check out our work here:
We also run a low-code/automation consultancy here: Deal Ops Automation — low-code & no-code consultancy.
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We also run a low-code/automation consultancy here: Deal Ops Automation — low-code & no-code consultancy.
Q: How can I access the underlying data?
Tracking U.S. ISO & utility interconnection queues
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Requests by status
Interconnection queue requests by state
Interconnection queue requests by generation transmission owner
Alberta Electric System OperatorAllegheny PowerAlliant Energy EastAlliant Energy WestAmeren IllinoisAmeren MissouriAmerican Electric PowerAmerican Municipal PowerAmerican Transmission CompanyAmerican Transmission SystemsArizona Public ServiceArkansas Electric Cooperative CorporationAssociated Electric CooperativeAvista UtilitiesBaltimore Gas and ElectricBangor Hydro ElectricBasin Electric Power CooperativeBig Rivers Electric CorporationBlack Hills Cheyenne Light Fuel and Power TransmissionBlack Hills Colorado ElectricBlack Hills PowerBonneville Power AdministrationCedar Falls Municipal Electric UtilityCedar Falls UtilitiesCentral Hudson Gas and ElectricCentral Maine PowerChelan County Public Utility DistrictCity Utilities of Springfield MissouriCity Water, Light and PowerCity of Columbia, MissouriCity of Muscatine, IowaCleco HoldingsColorado River Storage Project TransmissionColorado Springs UtilitiesCommonwealth EdisonConsolidated EdisonConsumers EnergyCooperative EnergyCorn Belt Power CooperativeDCR TransmissionDairyland Power CooperativeDayton Power and LightDelmarva Power and LightDesertLinkDominion EnergyDominion Energy South CarolinaDuke EnergyDuke Energy CarolinasDuke Energy FloridaDuke Energy IndianaDuke Energy Ohio and KentuckyDuke Energy ProgressDuquesne Light CompanyEast Kentucky Power CooperativeEast River Electric Power CooperativeEast Texas Electric CooperativeEl Paso ElectricEmpire District Electric CompanyEntergyEntergy ArkansasEntergy LouisianaEntergy MississippiEntergy New OrleansEntergy TexasEssential PowerEvergyEvergy Missouri WestEversourceEwington Energy SystemsFirstEnergyFlorida Power and LightGeorgia TransmissionGrand River Dam AuthorityGrand River EnergyGrant County Public Utility DistrictGridLianceGridLiance WestGridUnityHenderson Municipal Power and LightHoosier EnergyHorizon West TransmissionISO New EnglandITC Great PlainsITC MidwestITC TransmissionIdaho Power CompanyImperial Irrigation DistrictIndependence Power and LightIndianapolis Power and LightJacksonville Electric AuthorityJersey Central Power and LightKACYKansas City Board of Public UtilitiesKansas City Power and LightKansas Power PoolLS PowerLS Power Grid New YorkLafayette Utilities SystemLea County Electric Cooperative
Lincoln Electric SystemLong Island Power AuthorityLos Angeles Department of Water and PowerLouisville Gas and Electric and Kentucky Utilities EnergyLoveland Area Projects TransmissionLower Yellowstone Rural Electric CooperativeMadison Gas and ElectricMaine Public ServiceManitoba HydroMetropolitan Edison CompanyMichigan Electric Transmission CompanyMichigan Public Power AgencyMid-Kansas Electric CompanyMidAmerican EnergyMidcontinent Independent System OperatorMidwest EnergyMinnesota PowerMinnkota Power CooperativeMissouri River Energy ServicesMissouri Western Energy CorporationMontana-Dakota UtilitiesMunicipal Commission of BoonvilleNAEANV EnergyNational GridNavajo-CrystalNebraska Public Power DistrictNew York Power AuthorityNew York State Electric and GasNew York TranscoNextEra Energy TransmissionNorthWestern EnergyNortheast UtilitiesNorthern Indiana Public ServiceNorthern States Power CompanyNorthwest Iowa Power CooperativeNorthwestern Wisconsin Electric CompanyOhio Valley Electric CorporationOklahoma Gas and ElectricOld Dominion Electric CooperativeOmaha Public Power DistrictOrange and RocklandOrlando Utilities CommissionOtter Tail Power CompanyPECO Energy CompanyPJMPPL CorporationPacifiCorpPacific Gas and Electric CompanyPennsylvania Electric CompanyPlatte River Power AuthorityPortland General ElectricPotomac Electric Power CompanyPrairie PowerPublic Service Company Of ColoradoPublic Service Company of New MexicoPublic Service Electric and GasPuget Sound EnergyRochester Gas and ElectricRochester Public UtilitiesRockland Electric CompanySacramento Municipal Utility DistrictSalt River ProjectSan Diego Gas and ElectricSantee CooperSeminole Electric CooperativeSouth Mississippi Electric Power AssociationSouthern California EdisonSouthern CompanySouthern Illinois Power CooperativeSouthern Indiana Gas and Electric CompanySouthern Maryland Electric CooperativeSouthern Minnesota Municipal Power AgencySouthwestern Power AdministrationSouthwestern Public Service CompanySunflower Electric Power CorporationTacoma Public UtilitiesTampa Electric CompanyTennessee Valley AuthorityTransource MissouriTri-State Generation and Transmission AssociationTucson Electric PowerUnited Gas Improvement CompanyUnited Illuminating CompanyUpper Peninsula Power CompanyValley Electric AssociationVillage of ArcadeWAPA Sierra NevadaWAPA/BEPC/HCPD Integrated SystemWabash Valley Power AssociationWestar EnergyWestern Area Power AdministrationWestern Area Power Administration Desert Southwest RegionWestern Farmers Electric CooperativeWisconsin Electric Power CompanyWisconsin Public Service CorporationWolverine Power Supply CooperativeXcel Energy
Interconnection requests by year
Requests in 2025Requests in 2024Requests in 2023Requests in 2022Requests in 2021Requests in 2020Requests in 2019Requests in 2018Requests in 2017Requests in 2016Requests in 2015Requests in 2014Requests in 2013Requests in 2012Requests in 2011Requests in 2010Requests in 2009Requests in 2008Requests in 2007Requests in 2006Requests in 2005Requests in 2004Requests in 2003Requests in 2002Requests in 2001Requests in 2000Requests in 1999Requests in 1998Requests in 1997Requests in 1996Requests in 1989© 2025 All rights reserved.
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